Are you Ready to Get Involved?

Welcome to the Society of Women Engineers (SWE) at UCLA! We aim to promote diversity and professional development opportunities in the UCLA engineering community.

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Welcome Class of 2028!

About Us

Congratulations for making it into UCLA! We are so excited to welcome you to our school, which we have fallen in love with over the years. If you have any questions about SWE-UCLA, UCLA, or the engineering school, feel free to reach out to our president:

SWE-UCLA aims to bring professional development opportunities to UCLA while advocating for the creation of an equal platform for all in engineering.

SWE-UCLA has 7 committees and a Grad SWE committee for UCLA grad students! It is highly recommended to join a committee to become more involved in SWE and have access to more networking and professional opportunities. Feel free to reach out to any of the committee directors for more information about each committee!




Evening with Industry (EWI) is one of the largest student-run networking events at UCLA attracting around 40 companies and 300 students annually. The three part event includes a networking hour, dinner with a few company representatives, and a private career fair. Additionally, the committee plans and hosts professional development workshops to help UCLA engineering students put their best foot forward!



The Mentorship Committee coordinates a variety of mentorship programs and events with the goal of connecting SWE members with each other as well as professional mentors in academia and industry! Mentorship also hosts several professional, career and networking events and panels.



SWE’s Dev Team works on redesigning and updating the SWE UCLA website, while also developing other projects to enhance our team’s technical skills. The dev team is currently working on the new website and developing a members and EWI portal. 



SWE advocacy strives to make the UCLA School of Engineering a more equitable, diverse, and inclusive environment for all woman-identifying engineering students so that they may achieve their full career potential as engineers and leaders. 



SWE-UCLA Technical Committee aims to provide people more opportunities to develop technical skills while feeling supported throughout their learning. This committee plans and hosts workshops to teach important tech industry skills. They also organize QWER Hacks, an LGBTQ+ inclusive Hackathon, with the goal of bringing more awareness and support for the queer community in STEM.



The Internal Affairs Committee works to strengthen the bonds between SWE members by hosting various inter-committee and member socials and contributes to our growing community of empowerment. This committee plans SWE general events, including Dinner with Professors and LinkedIn headshots, as well as inter-committee social events, such as yoga socials, movie premiers, and paint nights.



The Outreach Committee focuses on exposing engineering to elementary, middle, and high-school girls. They host several keystone events including Wow! That’s Engineering Day to introduce Girl Scouts to engineering, Women in Engineering Stay-over Program (WESP) for newly admitted women engineers, and Project Scientist!



The SWE @ UCLA Lobbying Committee works to advocate for women engineers through school-wide, state, and federal government. Throughout the year we organize events centered on providing intersectional support to women engineers. We hope to engage UCLA and the greater community in activism and inspire collective action. In addition, our lobbying team travels to Washington D.C. each spring for the opportunity to further their advocacy directly with government representatives.

How To Get Involved

  • Click here to join our mailing list
  • Follow our socials (click on the logos to take you to our social sites!)
  • Start thinking about which committees you may want to join in fall
  • Come check out our booth @ Engineering Welcome Day
  • Reach out to committees via email if you want to learn more

Advice for Freshman from SWE Board

“Congratulations on getting into UCLA, the hardest part is over, enjoy your senior year!” – Hannah W. (President)

“Grades are less important than you think they are. What is more important is to have fun and try new things that interest you” – Natalie (Internal Affairs)

“Congratulations! Join organizations that you’re passionate about to find your community of people :)” – Megan (Webmaster)

“While academics are important, LA is an amazing city with so much to do – so make sure to explore it!” – Divya (Alumni Relations)

Important UCLA Engineering Links